(DailyChive.com) – President Joe Biden is once again rewarding illegal immigrants who have violated US federal laws by announcing a mass amnesty program that would grant green cards to more than 500,000 illegal aliens married to US citizens.
Republicans slammed the president for his controversial immigration scheme. According to House Speaker Mike Johnson, Biden tried to eyewash voters with his executive order to limit illegal immigration, but he is once again pursuing his open border agenda.
Johnson also claimed that this amnesty policy clearly suggests that Biden wants to convert illegal aliens into voters, adding that this program should be reversed in the courts.
Texas Governor Gregg Abbott also criticized Biden’s move, claiming that he is trying to get votes of the illegal community due to his failing reelection campaign. Texas is among the states worst impacted by the surge in illegal border crossings under the Biden administration.
Abbott also stated that Biden’s illegal programs would be struck down by the courts just like the controversial immigration policies of former president Barack Obama. He added that Congress has the ultimate authority to make a border policy and that the president should only focus on the enforcement of the border safety laws instead of pursuing a partisan agenda.
The conservative governor also noted that Biden is still trying to promote illegal immigration despite welcoming more than 11 million aliens in the country during his three-and-a-half-year term.
GOP Senator Ted Cruz also lambasted the president for effectively abandoning the American people and exposing them to criminals who manage to sneak into the country through open borders.
Cruz also stated that Biden signed an executive order just to satisfy some media outlets who can now propagate the narrative that the president really cares about the immigration crisis, while in reality, he is putting the lives of average Americans at risk.
Due to the amnesty scheme, Cruz continued, more illegal immigrants will be encouraged to enter the United States.
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