DeSantis Enacts Law Prohibiting Intentional Balloon Releases

( – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law that would prohibit anyone in the state from intentionally releasing balloons as concerns about the state’s beaches and waterways continued to rise.

Ocean conservation groups backed the efforts of the conservative state lawmaker Linda Chaney, who said that there is nothing meaningful in releasing balloons in the air and that they only contribute to destroying the iconic beaches and waterways of the state.

According to Chaney, DeSantis initially showed concerns about fining people over releasing the balloon, particularly on fining children who may release them without having any knowledge of the law. Eventually, the bill was amended to exempt children younger than six.

Emma Haydocy, the spokesperson of the ocean conservation environmental group Surfrider Foundation, stated that neither Floridians nor millions of tourists want to see the balloon litter anywhere in the state.

Cattle farmer groups also backed the efforts, claiming that animals can mistakenly eat balloons, which is extremely hazardous for their health.

Another environmental group, Oceana, also lauded the efforts of the lawmakers to save marine life from plastic debris. For some seabirds, stray balloons are the deadliest form of plastic debris, as they can block their airways and suffocate them to death. Others can inhale balloons to block their digestive system and eventually die of starvation.

Reportedly, more than 260 animal species are prone to eat balloon debris, with some of them, like sea turtles, having the tendency to confuse it with their favorite prey, jellyfish. Some animals can also get themselves trapped in balloon strings.

Balloon release is a common spectacle seen at funerals, birthday parties, graduation ceremonies, weddings and other festivities. The passing of the bill is considered a major win for environmentalists who have long been pushing outlawing most of the plastic used in daily life. Previously, the Florida legislature asked local governments not to ban plastic bags, while Governor DeSantis vetoed a bill that stopped local governments from banning plastic straws.

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